The Best Restaurants on El Paseo This way to great flavor! A diverse selection of upscale and casual dining options ensures there’s something for every taste on El Paseo. View Restaurant Directory Stories From The Street Let Your Tastebuds Explore El Paseo Is for Foodies Dining, Partner Content From brunch with your buds to an anniversary-worthy dinner, there’s a restaurant at The Shops on El Paseo for every... Read the Story Feast Your Way to Saint-Tropez Dining, Partner Content French chef Thierry Barot touches down in Palm Desert to delight diners with a special dinner menu available January... Read the Story Dinner Is Served Dining It's no secret that the Coachella Valley has emerged as a leading culinary destination for innovative chefs and... Read the Story Let’s Do Lunch Dining To fuel an afternoon packed with boutique- and gallery-hopping, you'll need a midday bite. Thankfully, the promenade's... Read the Story Brunch This Way Dining Whether you're craving something sweet or savory, filling or light, you'll find a chefcrafted menu that suits your... Read the Story Cocktail Hour Dining So, you’re meeting up with friends for a pint, a few glasses of wine, or perhaps searching for a late-night... Read the Story Craft Me a Cocktail Dining The Paseo Rose or the White Linen at Libation RoomIf you don't want to be that person who tells the bartender to make... Read the Story Late-Night Bites on El Paseo Dining The sun is behind the mountain, the temperature is perfect and the night is young. Now, where to go to enjoy it?For... Read the Story Where to Brunch on El Paseo Dining Brunch is not only practical — often extending more variety in menu items than any other meal — but it’s also a... Read the Story « Older Entries Next Entries »
El Paseo Is for Foodies Dining, Partner Content From brunch with your buds to an anniversary-worthy dinner, there’s a restaurant at The Shops on El Paseo for every... Read the Story
Feast Your Way to Saint-Tropez Dining, Partner Content French chef Thierry Barot touches down in Palm Desert to delight diners with a special dinner menu available January... Read the Story
Dinner Is Served Dining It's no secret that the Coachella Valley has emerged as a leading culinary destination for innovative chefs and... Read the Story
Let’s Do Lunch Dining To fuel an afternoon packed with boutique- and gallery-hopping, you'll need a midday bite. Thankfully, the promenade's... Read the Story
Brunch This Way Dining Whether you're craving something sweet or savory, filling or light, you'll find a chefcrafted menu that suits your... Read the Story
Cocktail Hour Dining So, you’re meeting up with friends for a pint, a few glasses of wine, or perhaps searching for a late-night... Read the Story
Craft Me a Cocktail Dining The Paseo Rose or the White Linen at Libation RoomIf you don't want to be that person who tells the bartender to make... Read the Story
Late-Night Bites on El Paseo Dining The sun is behind the mountain, the temperature is perfect and the night is young. Now, where to go to enjoy it?For... Read the Story
Where to Brunch on El Paseo Dining Brunch is not only practical — often extending more variety in menu items than any other meal — but it’s also a... Read the Story